Milwaukee braces – braces / orthodontics aren’t necessarily expensive when you consider you will likely have your one set of adult teeth your entire life.
But if you or your child is getting or has braces—well it’s not cheap either! And the last thing you want to do is waste your Milwaukee braces investment!
If you or a loved one has braces, it’s important to make sure you know and understand proper braces care. This helps to ensure your teeth – or your child’s teeth – are as beautiful as possible when the braces come off and the braces-free smile greets the world!
When there are braces on the teeth, there are tons of new places for food (and worse!) to get stuck. This can cause aesthetic problems and health problems too!
Milwaukee Braces Care:
There are really three major components to appropriate braces care. They are:
- Personal Oral Care – Cautions
- Personal Oral Care – Hygiene
- Professional Oral Care & Maintenance
Milwaukee Braces: Personal Oral Care - Cautions
This area of braces maintenance includes what you put in your mouth – what you do and don’t eat. And what you eat with caution.
When you have braces you should not eat the food items below. In some cases, they can be a potential for discoloration when the braces are removed. In others, they can cause wires to break and braces to become damaged or rip off of the teeth.
Do not eat the following when you have braces (this is not a comprehensive list but is a good set of guidelines):
- Nothing sticky or gooey
- No hard candy
- No nuts
- No popcorn
Eat the following with caution when you have braces:
- Tear chewy bread like bagels into smaller pieces
- Cut corn on the cob off the cob to eat
- Cut apples and carrots (and other hard fruits and vegetables) into smaller, bite-size, pieces
- Avoid sugary drinks
- Avoid a lot of dark drinks (like punches and dark juices or coffee and red wine for adults)
Milwaukee Braces: Personal Oral Care – Hygiene
While good oral hygiene is ALWAYS recommended, diligent and extra-frequent care is vital for those with braces and for adequate braces care!
This includes the following after every meal and after you eat every time:
- Brushing after every meal – ideally with a power toothbrush, specifically designed for braces
- Rinsing with mouthwash after every meal – a total care mouthwash is best
- Flossing after major meals (this is vital to help avoid gingivitis, tartar, and demineralization) with a stick flosser, designed for those with braces
Milwaukee Braces: Professional Oral Care & Maintenance
When you have braces, you cannot skip or avoid regular teeth cleanings. You can’t skip your braces adjustment appointments either!
Both teeth cleanings– and your braces adjustments – are extremely important to the health and appearance of your teeth both while you have braces and after you get them removed.
The whole idea behind your (or your child’s) braces treatment is a final result that consists of a beautiful smile and a healthy set of teeth. If you remember to follow these three major care areas, the end result will undoubtedly be a magnificent!
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